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命运荒诞 生命虚无 众生皆苦——解构《白日焰火》 命运荒诞 生命虚无 众生皆苦——解构《白日焰火》
Long Life Expectancy Impacts 人口老龄化 Long Life Expectancy Impacts 人口老龄化
A recent survey shows that in many countries across the world people are generally living longer. But an increased life expectancy has many implications for the aging individuals and for the society as a whole. What are the possible effects of a longer life expectancy on individuals and the society?
More About Touch More About Touch
Learn more about touch. Videos available.
单词表制作 单词表制作
The Power of Gentle Touch The Power of Gentle Touch
Gentle touch is vital for us humans. It creates the first contact with the world for newborns, giving us a sense of security and belonging. Touch influences our immune system, and on our feelings for our fellow human beings.
The Power of Touch The Power of Touch
It's the first sensation we feel, our most primal connection to others. Can implants and electrical signaling replicate the experience of touch? Research teams are exploring the possibilities—with startling results.
Restoring a Lost Sense of Touch Restoring a Lost Sense of Touch
As scientists help an industrial worker regain his sense of touch through a prosthetic arm, we learn about the mechanics of human touch and why it’s so essential to our lives.
Nat Geo Overheard
The Importance and the Power of Human Touch The Importance and the Power of Human Touch
Positive touch is vital for healthy function and beneficial for the immune system.
作文词句Ⅰ.常用词汇短语 作文词句Ⅰ.常用词汇短语
作文词句Ⅱ.替换词与高端词汇 作文词句Ⅱ.替换词与高端词汇
Helping Others 帮助他人 Helping Others 帮助他人
The Harmonious Society has been a socioeconomic vision in China.
Personal Statement 个人陈述 Personal Statement 个人陈述
( 来源 : 广州二中 2018.1 冬令营英语专题 ) BEGINNING When I was …, my memorable/
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