2.The Vestibule 前庭
In which Ro introduces her child to the valley 在此,罗尔向纪念碑谷介绍她的孩子
Even in youth,We knew the work our mother left for us. Ro… I see fear… Do you forget how young we were? 朽骨在此相迎,山谷依然,只为静候新生。 萝尔,你看,孩子追随母亲的脚步,如使命传承般流转不息。 放下恐惧与担忧, 如同我们年轻时一样。
3.The Oasis 绿洲
- In which young eyes see new wonders. 在此,懵懂的眼睛,初临惊愕
4.The Viaduct 吊桥
In which the child learned her first lesson. 在此,学会尝试是必修课
It is easy to be nervous when she grows so quickly. Often the challenge we face do not require the strength to hold on, but the strength to let go. 成长之快,爱意之切,是不安,亦或是喜悦。 面对生命进程,我们不乏勇气,而是放手的决心。
5. The Archipelago 群岛
In which the child must find her own path 在此,独自寻路的女孩
She has done well, but some lessons must be learned alone. Solitude brings its own perspective. And you both have more to see. 你看,她做得很好!顺逆相随,让她羽翼自丰。 孤勇之后,世界近在眼前。 而你,同样有更多探索。
7.The Towers 高塔
In which there remain other results for the heart 在此,倾听内心的渴望
Sometimes it feels like nothing has changed when everything is different. Separate path can still be part of the same journey. Your journey is the one must continue. 世事变幻,但时间从不作答。 生命相承,殊途同归。 你,终将继续完成属于自己的旅程。
8.The Aphelion 远日点
- In which Ro visit an old friend. 在此,拜访老友。
9.Men-an-tol 神圣之门
- In which reflection unfolds old memories 在此,唤醒尘封往事
10.The botanical gardens 植物园
In which strange doorways offer new possibilities 在此,通往新的预言
In our haste in looking forward, we too often forget the past. Time will not be alerted and while it passes, your purpose remains unchanged. Our monument lie unfinished and we look to you to continue our work. 在我们不断向前的途中,不要忘了我们为何出发。 使命轮回,初心永恒。 丰碑未竟,仍在你手。
11.The lyceum 讲堂
In which the first step is not always the easiest. 在此,意义非凡的第一步
Our shadow grow long as we wait for one worthy to take up our mantle. She has taught you well, but there is still more to learn. The path will be hard, but remember, we walked it too. 幽幽山谷流长,披风静谧而待。 感谢她的教导,你将拥有更不可预期的未来。 前路艰难,但谨记,你并不孤独。
12.The orchard 果园
- In which a transformation is completed. 在此,蜕变
13.The sunken city 眠海之城
In which sacred geometry awaits. 在此,神圣几何将至
You have grown so much, and though one lesson is ending, many more lies ahead. Our spirits are restless, when your promise is fulfilled, we will be ready for your return. 你的成长有目共睹,敬请期待下次旅程。 灵魂不息,使命必达,静候你的归来。
14. Mirador 瞭望台
- Or a reunion. 或,再会。